Come and draw from the well

Spiritual center operated by the religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Students and young professional

The Centre aims at providing a welcoming atmosphere to students and young professionals aged between 18 and 35. Certain offers are directed particularly to them. And anyone can come for a day or two to follow an itinerary in Sophie Barat’s footsteps.


All the year round, the Centre welcomes anyone who wishes to make a retreat. These retreats are for everyone, young and not so young, whether you’re on your own, in a couple or in a group, lay people, religious men and women, priests…

The retreat is a time of stepping aside in an atmosphere of prayer and silence. It places us in the light of Christ and can have a specific aim:

  • To learn or learn again to pray
  • To deepen your relationship with God
  • To stand back a little from everyday life
  • To take a new look at your life and bring it all together
  • To take an important decision, make a free choice
  • To renew your strength at a difficult time

At the Sophie Barat Centre, several kinds of retreat are offered:

  • Retreats of initiation into the Spiritual Exercises: 5 days just to let God look at you through guided prayer, sharing, and personal companioning.
  • Individual retreats: 5, 8, 10 or 30 days “à la carte” to deepen your relationship to God, all at your own pace, restock your resources or make a decision in faith, using a personalised programme.